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Special issue - Adjustments to our regulatory approach to respond to COVID-19

31 August 2020

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We've adjusted our regulatory approach to respond to COVID-19 

We have today published a statement on further adjustments to our regulatory approach to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The changes include extending the deadline for landlords to complete their Annual Assurance Statement from October to November and extending the deadline for landlords more time to report to tenants and service users on their performance against the Scottish Social Housing Charter from October to December.

We've also extended the deadline for landlords to report to tenants and service users on their performance against the Scottish Social Housing Charter from October to December.

To support landlords, we've also published new advisory guidance for landlords on completing Annual Assurance Statements and Business Planning.

We've made these adjustments to enable us to continue to fulfil our statutory objective and support landlords through these unprecedented times.

Our statement gives more detail on the changes. I hope this and the supporting guidance help give clarity for landlords, tenants and other service users about how we will regulate in the coming months.

We made the changes following consultation with landlords, tenants, people who are homeless, other service users, and lenders. I would like to thank all of our stakeholders for their contributions and engagement through the consultation. We will keep the position in this statement under review to respond to any significant developments in relation to the national response to the pandemic.

We will continue to work closely with landlords to understand the challenges being experienced by tenants, people who are homeless and other service users.

George Walker


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George Walker, Chair

Find out more about the changes to our regulatory approach to respond to COVID-19
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