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Your place of professionalisation and collaboration in the world of Business Analysis

Newsletter of October

Hello BA enthusiast

Sharing = Caring.

If there's one thing I notice every time I participate in a business analysis event, it is that our community loves sharing. Practical tips & tricks, project experiences, things that went well, challenges we face, ... We listen, empathise, share our thoughts, learn from each other. It must be in our DNA! And we don't do it to shine (well, maybe a little bit 😉, and rightfully so!), we do it because we care. We care for our peers, our stakeholders, and our profession. We share because we belong to a community, because we are part of one big family.

So let me share some tips for sharing:

Warm regards,

Filip Hendrickx

Happy member of the IIBA family

President of the IIBA® Brussels Chapter

PS: We just heard, and are proud, that our Chapter is nominated for IIBA's yearly Chapter Awards, and one of our Volunteers for the Volunteer of the Year Europe Award. Join the online celebration.

Running dog

Photo by Murilo Viviani on Unsplash

What's on your fall agenda?

We intend to organise events multiple times in different locations across Belgium and Luxembourg. This will enable you to participate closer to where you live or work. With our upcoming Lego Serious Play event, it will be the first but not the last time we do this.

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#BABeyond22 Call for Speakers

Do you have interesting cases, experiences, insights or stories to share

with your BA peers? That's a rhetorical question, of course you do! 😉

Submit your speaking proposal until Friday 26 November 2021. We'll be hosting 20-minute and 40-minute talks, and 90-minute workshops.

Check out the #BABeyond22 Call for Speakers

Evénements francophones (en ligne)

Tous les événements francophones

This month's BA tip: Process & Data

“Process and data are inextricably linked and someone needs to have their eye on both concepts.”

A highly recommended read by BA Leader Christina Lovelock.

Check out the article
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BA Cafe

Do you miss the opportunity to gather around with other BA professionals? Why not join our weekly BA cafe on Fridays during lunch break?

Join our next BA Cafe

Your feedback matters

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We're here for you



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Our mailing address is: IIBA Brussels Chapter, Langestraat 38, 3190 Boortmeerbeek, België

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